Re-cognize me 3.0 – Cologne Guitar Quartet

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“Re-cognize me 3.0” is a statement about ethical issues in the context of the rapid development of digital media. The ubiquitous technology of facial recognition is not only the subject, but itself part of the installation. For this purpose, live images of the audience are captured by a camera and fragments of the recognised faces are projected (with the help of video mapping) onto geometric figures in the room. The shape of the figures reflects the technology itself, which measures and compares the geometric arrangement of facial features. Through music and performance, the tensions between individual/body and massive data collection/Big Data become a conscious experience.

Composition, sound direction & video installation
Pablo Garretón

Music performance
cologne guitar quartet

Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica

Dance performance
Mohamed Moodimbi & Amalia Zaiferi

Fa-hsuan Chen

Installation assistance and construction
Paul Pape

Production of the Cologne Guitar Quartet
support of the City of Cologne, Kunststiftung NRW, Kulturministerium NRW and Musikfonds.

Live images are captured by a camera and projected on paper figures/sculptures made with laser cut. The projections are made #touchdesigner and #maxmsp.